TaggedThree Things I'm afraid of:
1. Being home alone
2. Being at work alone
3. Scary movies
Three People who make me laugh:
1. Harmel
2. Ben
3. My mom
Three things I love:
1. When my PJ pants roll up around my knees when I'm sleeping
2. Taking walks
3. Playing games
Three Things I Hate:
1. Fish
2. Boogers
3. Trying new things
Three Things I don't understand:
1. Why bad things happen to good people
2. Politics
3. Why people need to swear
Three Things on my desk:
1. My laptop
2. CDs
3. A lamp
Three things I'm doing right now:
1. Watching Greys Anatomy
2. Hearing Harmel talk about our new nephew!!
3. Filling out this survey thingy
Three Things I want to do before I die:
1. Be successful
2. Have a happy family
3. Write a book
Three Things I can do:
1. Clean my room (REALLY WELL)
2. Make nifty cards
3. Rollerblade
Three Things I can't do:
1. Not brush my teeth in the morning
2. Go to bed on time
3. Get taller
Three Things I think you should listen to:
1. Your mom and dad
2. Snow Patrol
3. The sound of rain on a tin roof
Three Things you should never listen to:
1. Trina Stelmaschuks lectures
2. People who put you down or call you names
3. Mathew
Three Things I'd like to learn:
1. How to cook really well
2. How to raise children
3. How to have an amazing garden
Three Favourite Foods:
1. Slop
2. Salad
3. Chicken
Three Shows I watched as a kid:
1. Arthur
2. Mr. DressUp
3. Star Bright
Three Things I regret:
1. Not taking advantage of the college life
2. Eating lots of Easter chocolate
3. Not doing sit-ups this morning
Three People I'd like to tag to do this post on thier Blog: