
So Many Dresses...

For any of you out there who are married, do you remember wedding dress shopping?

For me it's still recent. I only purchased my dress about 3 weeks ago. And I still go and try it dress on at the shop probably once a week to make sure that I still like it. And I do like it. A lot. I love it.

However, the day after I bought it I found some pictures of the other dresses I was looking at, and I started wondering if I actually got "the one". I was so undecided and nervous and even a little scared that maybe I didn't. I felt bad and I felt like maybe I rushed into it a little. After all, I plan on only ever having one dress, therefore I only get one chance at getting the right one. There's so many dresses to pick from and so little time. I wish I had started looking when I was 10, instead of 20.

I'm starting to not feel that way so much anymore, but I still bad for feeling that way in the first place.


So I've been working at McDonalds's for almost 3 and a half years now. I'm a manager and I get along with everyone there pretty good (I also like to think that I'm well-liked, but enforcing rules doesn't sit well with most kids).

But I'm tired. I'm tired of being short staffed, I'm tired of people not showing up for their shifts, I'm tired of getting up at 4:00 am, I'm tired of woring 9 or 10 hour shifts, I'm tired of being paid nothing, and I'm tired of the greasy smell on my clothes when I get home.

So why haven't I quit? First of all, I haven't found another job (I've been looking!), and I know my wedding isn't going to pay for itself. Secondly, I feel a sense of responsibility, and I know if I left, they'd be totally screwed and they wouldn't have an opening manager anymore. Also, knowing this and quitting anyway would make me feel really, really guilty. So until I find another job what do I do?

I just know that I'm not lovin' it anymore.



Harmel was talking about square watermelons the other day and I didn't believe that they actually existed. I had to find out for myself...

Personally, I think it's a little creepy, and un-natural, not to mention pointless... obviously someone has too much time on their hands...and now probably too much money as well. These babies go for about $50 a piece...ON SALE!!! although they're primarily available in Japan right now. Apparently the whole idea behind it is that it's easier for storage purposes.



Bye Bye Momma

My mom left for the Netherlands yesterday...FOR 16 DAYS!

I miss her already.
I don't think I can cook that much.



Wow, I wrote this poem in Gr.10. And I still remember who it's about and why I wrote it. That's crazy.


She opens her mouth
Her words are a knife
The words she says
A storm that wrecks my life

She is a fire
Looking for wood
She finds what she wants
Opposing all good

Her mouth is a snake
Spreading rumors of hate
Hissing wildly
She is my fate

She is a truck
Unstoppable and low
She is a green light
Thinks all is a go

She is a jail cell
Locking me in
She is my death
My life can’t begin

She is an eagle
Watching moves I make
She is a robber
Seeing what else she can take

(Not) Back to School Blues

It's times when I see old pictures like this that I wish I was still back in High School

(left to right: Nicole Schenk, Pamela Schenk, Jodi Schenk)


It's Done!



I bought my wedding dress!

(that's a lie, my mom bought it)