
Christmas Time

So about two weeks ago Harmel and I decorated my families tree...Isn't it gorgeous?

I can't believe that none of the presents are for me though...Harmel isn't very good a wrapping presents so he brought all his over here and I wrapped them for him...lol...

The season is obviously well underway

And I've been done my shopping for a week, it's amazing!

I love Christmas...



Seriously, this is really cool

It's kinda long, but it's worth it!





So I know that I haven't done a whole lot of posting lately...or at all for that matter...but I promise I have a good reason. I'm in the middle of my final exams...and I need to have all this memorized for tomorrow:

Just to emphasize...MEMORIZED...FOR TOMORROW...

...seriously...it's not even real english


Drive Thru

5 Reasons I Hate Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. People either drive really fast or really slow
2. People stop really far away (HELLO...my arms aren't that long)
3. Sometimes the passenger tries to order, and then we can't hear them
4. Sometimes people don't want to roll down their windows all the way so a) we can't hear them well and b) they can't pass us money and we can't pass them food and then they spill drinks and blame it on us
5. Sometimes when we asked people to pull around the corner, they pull RIGHT around the corner...not in the parking lot, and so it blocks our drive thru

1 Reason I Love Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. If anyone pisses me off, I can just close the window





daddy's little girl

So this is my dad and me.

We're actually huge nerds. And I know that sometimes we don't get along, and sometimes I say things to him that I should, and sometimes vise versa. I think the biggest problem is that we're just too much like eachother...we're both pretty stubborn and as much as I might look like my mom, I'm truly a Schenk at heart.

Sometimes I feel bad because I don't always take the 2 extra seconds out of my day to tell my dad that I love him. In fact, I don't remember the last time I did that, I think that at some point in my life I decided I was too old for that, and now sometimes I just feel awkward saying it. And I know that sounds retarded but it's true.

However, I really do love my dad, I would never ask for another dad, because no other dad could really be any better. I know that he loves me and he cares for me and every time he gets mad at me he's just trying to make me into a better a better person.

I love my dad, he's amazing.



Yesterday in my Medical Terminology class we were given the priveledge of watching a movie about endometriosis. And for those of you who don't know what that is, it's the endometrial lining of the uterus, outside the uterus...so black or white spots can form on the ovaries, the colon, the cul-de-sac and various other places, causing pain for a woman, scar tissue can build, as well it can cause severe infertility.

We watch the doctor cut her open, poke things through her skin, and we got to see inside the woman. It was actually pretty fascinating. We saw the small and large instestine, the rectum, the ureters, the liver, the gall bladder, the uterus, fallopian tubes and the ovaries. I never knew ovaries were white! And the uterus is only about the size of your fist. Plus I learned that our internal organs aren't all that fragile. The doctor was poking them and moving them around the whole time.

This class absolutely fascinates me.

And here's a picture of white endometriosis.


in my spare time

Well, since I'm being harassed to write a new post here's something absolutely fascinating...I'M IN LOVE WITH THE SIMS 2.

It doesn't even make sense because there's no point to the game, oyu can't win, you can't pass a level, and you can't lose...but I think that it might be because I love decorating, and painting, and buying things, and I want to get married, and have a family and all that stuff...and in this game you get to do all that! It's amazing...and very time consuming. I'm not joking. I'm so in love with this game that if I have no homework, no GEMS or Sunday School to plan for, no work, no good TV shows, and no Harmel coming over, then I could very well plan Sims all night long. And I won't get bored...I would strongly recommend that anyone who doesn't have a life to get this game because if you do have a life, the moment you get this game, you'll forget about everything else...

For example, last week I got a new expansion pack for my Sims, The Glamour Life. The same night I bought Cars so that Harmel and I could watch it. Well we put the movie in and I really wanted to watch it, especially because I haven' seen it before. But my laptop was just sitting there calling out to me and there was no way I could possibly neglect it when my Sims had never before experienced the glamourous life. It just didn't seem fair...so I installed it and while Harmel watch Cars, I played Sims. I really feel sorry for him sometimes, but it's just so addicting...


Wisdom Teeth

So I got my wisdom teeth pulled this summer...and trust me, it's worse than people say it is.

My mouth was bleeding for 3 days...the first morning after my surgery there was blood all over my pillows and my comforter, and that's not too cool. Plus I looked like an idiot for a week.

Thankfully the swelling went down before my first day of college.

But just in case anyone here is going to be getting their teeth pulled soon, it does hurt, and it does suck, and you'll need some slurpees and maybe a good boyfriend who will buy you movies that you can watch while you're basically in and out of conciousness from all the pain...

Pretty much the only thing I do remember is wishing that I hadn't had my wisdom teeth pulled. I couldn't drink, I couldn't eat, I had stitches in the back of my mouth, and the skin in the back of my mouth was in shreds. It was disgusting...

At least it got me out of going to work for a few days...



isn't love grand?

i suppose it is kinda like the sky falling...it's not like you're expecting it and love generally happens at the worst time ever, just when you don't need the sky to fall...it will. you're whole world will come crashing down and life as you once knew it will never be the same again.

and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

an ode to the pomegranete

oh dear, sweet pomegranete
how lovely and succulent you are.
you fill me when i am hungry.
oh your deep red berrys
full of juice and goodness.
you stain my fingers with your love
and comfort me when i am lonely.
you far exceed my expectations
and leave me ever longing for more.


Launch Me!

This over here ------------------------------------------------>
is Katie....

She inspired this entire blog dealio...

Welcome to MY BLOG!!
