
Nice 'n Hot...Finally!

Yesterday was Harmel's Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary. To celebrate we went out to Cross Lake for a huge BBQ for the day! It was hot and beautiful, we couldn't have asked for nicer weather! Summer has arrived!

However, we didn't realize it was going to be that nice. In fact it rained on our way out...I guess you should always pack sunscreen just incase....


Chocolate Fiends!

On Monday Harmel won tickets to go to a prescreening of the movie 'UP' in 3D. The movie was last night, and we were so excited and it was great! I had even bought a chocolate bar to take to the movie with me. However, I never ended up eating it. I was just going to take it to work with me the next day so I left it in my purse, on the kitchen table...but the kittens got to it first...


The Working Weekend

May Long out at the cabin is always a "working weekend". Opening up the cabin for another year of fun and enjoyment after the long winter. This year we had some pretty lousy weather including snow! Monday morning Harmel and I woke up to find our tent covered in thick, wet, sticky snow. Nevertheless we still had a nice time.

Raking the garden:

Working on the beach:

The newest installation:

Playing a little Hide 'n Seek:

Dump run:


Back Hickey?

The other day Harmel was getting ready for bed and I noticed a huge bruise-like spot on his back. It was black and purple. It was a little scary so I told him to go look at it on the mirror. We could not figure out what it was from! About 2 days later we were talking about how our kittens are obsessed with watching the water drain out of the bath...and then it clicked!

Harmel was taking a bath and he decided to lay all the way down while the water was draining, when he got up his back had created a suction cup and it sucked on his back! The result? A back hickey!

In this picture it's already about 2 or 3 days later so it doesn't look quite as bad...but still pretty weird!


Happy Spring!

Just some lovely tulips my mom gave me the other day!

They're so peeeerdy!

Cat Grass

So Harmel and I thought it would be a sweet idea to buy the cats some cat grass. We found a little kit at Home Depot for $1.99 and got it going right away. Within 2 weeks the grass was already a few inches long...so we gave it to the cats tonight hoping it would deter them from digging up dirt anymore...

I guess we were wrong. The grass was demolished in about 5 minutes...

...there is no hope for these two.