We recently started putting Sophie in a Jolly Jumper. She loves it! If she's being fussy and nothing else helps, we put her in there for a few minutes and she's immediately happier! She doesn't do too much yet, but she's getting better :)
The first day my brother, Eric and his wife, Katie, and their son Willem, were there enjoying the sunshine! We spent the rest of the week with my mom and dad and their close friends the VanKooten's, along with some of the VanKooten's relatives. It was so helpful and Harmel and I were so grateful to have so many people to help watch Sophie. We were still able to enjoy the holiday! She slept pretty good at night around the fire in her stroller, so we were able to play some Mofia and just relax.
My Opa and Oma, as well as my Auntie Joanne and Uncle Dave from BC, came to visit for a day too! It was great to see them all and it was so nice for Sophie to meet her great aunt and uncle :)
Harmel also got a little skiing in and we went for some nice walks as a family. It's so different having Sophie, but completely worth it, I wouldn't change it for the world!
2 Months Later
Well I haven't exactly kept up my posts...even now that I'm home, these last 2 months have just flown by!
Sophie Diana Potvin was born May 20, at 12:40 am. She weighed a whopping 6 lbs 3oz! The delivery didn't go quite as expected. First I was induced, then I ended up having a c-section. It wasn't what I'd imagined or wanted and therefore was pretty disappointing, but Harmel and I were very blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Sophie has been a great baby so far, we haven't had any major concerns other than her weight (she just recently grew out of preemie clothes). She cries when she's hungry or wants attention, but other than that she's fairly content, at least I think so. I guess I don't really have anything to compare it to as she's our first.
Every day Sophie does something new and different. Her first smile was amazing. Harmel still talks about it. She doesn't really giggle yet, but I can tell she's trying! There is a voice in that cute little body. It's great having a girl, but also very expensive. I don't think I'd like to have another girl, there are too many cute clothes out there for them.
I am enjoying every minute of being a stay at home Mom. It does take some getting used to though. I thought I'd have a lot more time to do things, it took me about 2 hours to fold a load of laundry at the beginning. I've learned to adjust and having Harmel work 4 days on and 4 days off has helped a lot. Harmel is an amazing dad and is so involved in everything from changing diapers to helping feed to getting Sophie ready for bed, he's been great! Let's hope it stays that way!
We love you so much baby girl! Don't you forget it! I can't believe you've already been with us for just over 2 months and couldn't imagine our lives without you.
Last Month of Work!
Today is the first day of my last month of work! I am officially done on April 29. And couldn't be happier, I am ready to be done!
Lake Louise
Every year, instead of getting Christmas gifts, Mom and Dad have made it a tradition to take us skiing somewhere in the mountains!
This year we went to Lake Louise for a weekend where Eric, Ian, Dan, Harmel and Kt enjoyed some skiing! Mom, Dad and I got to spend some time in the chalet hanging out with Willem :)

We all had a great time and great weather. Thanks Mom and Dad!
This year we went to Lake Louise for a weekend where Eric, Ian, Dan, Harmel and Kt enjoyed some skiing! Mom, Dad and I got to spend some time in the chalet hanging out with Willem :)
We all had a great time and great weather. Thanks Mom and Dad!
It's been a long time! We have been so busy I've just forgotten to post anything.

Baby crib with the blanket my Oma made me when I was a baby:

I'm going to try and keep this blog more up to date, especially with the baby coming and everything!
So much has happened since my last post. Harmel and I have moved, AGAIN. We actually got kicked out of our last townhouse (our renters decided to sell the unit), Harmel's sister and her husband had their 4th baby and my brother and sister-in-law had a baby, my very first own nephew, and he so beautiful! And also we're expecting! I know everyone probably already knows that but we're still very excited :) I'm due May 25, Harmel and I have just gotten a crib, not a whole lot more than that, but it'll come eventually! Being pregnant is so exciting! I love feeling the baby move (ALL THE TIME!) and Harmel is just so excited, and so helpful around the house now. I'm hardly allowed to make the bed on my own anymore...here's just a couple pictures of the baby and the crib so far!
Profile of the baby:

Little baby feet:

Baby crib with the blanket my Oma made me when I was a baby:

I'm going to try and keep this blog more up to date, especially with the baby coming and everything!
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