
Bouncy Baby!

We recently started putting Sophie in a Jolly Jumper. She loves it! If she's being fussy and nothing else helps, we put her in there for a few minutes and she's immediately happier! She doesn't do too much yet, but she's getting better :)



This summer we took Sophie camping to Long Lake for a week! Her first camping trip. She did AMAZING!

The first day my brother, Eric and his wife, Katie, and their son Willem, were there enjoying the sunshine! We spent the rest of the week with my mom and dad and their close friends the VanKooten's, along with some of the VanKooten's relatives. It was so helpful and Harmel and I were so grateful to have so many people to help watch Sophie. We were still able to enjoy the holiday! She slept pretty good at night around the fire in her stroller, so we were able to play some Mofia and just relax.

My Opa and Oma, as well as my Auntie Joanne and Uncle Dave from BC, came to visit for a day too! It was great to see them all and it was so nice for Sophie to meet her great aunt and uncle :)

Harmel also got a little skiing in and we went for some nice walks as a family. It's so different having Sophie, but completely worth it, I wouldn't change it for the world!