
Christmas Time

So about two weeks ago Harmel and I decorated my families tree...Isn't it gorgeous?

I can't believe that none of the presents are for me though...Harmel isn't very good a wrapping presents so he brought all his over here and I wrapped them for him...lol...

The season is obviously well underway

And I've been done my shopping for a week, it's amazing!

I love Christmas...



Seriously, this is really cool

It's kinda long, but it's worth it!





So I know that I haven't done a whole lot of posting lately...or at all for that matter...but I promise I have a good reason. I'm in the middle of my final exams...and I need to have all this memorized for tomorrow:

Just to emphasize...MEMORIZED...FOR TOMORROW...

...seriously...it's not even real english


Drive Thru

5 Reasons I Hate Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. People either drive really fast or really slow
2. People stop really far away (HELLO...my arms aren't that long)
3. Sometimes the passenger tries to order, and then we can't hear them
4. Sometimes people don't want to roll down their windows all the way so a) we can't hear them well and b) they can't pass us money and we can't pass them food and then they spill drinks and blame it on us
5. Sometimes when we asked people to pull around the corner, they pull RIGHT around the corner...not in the parking lot, and so it blocks our drive thru

1 Reason I Love Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. If anyone pisses me off, I can just close the window