
Drive Thru

5 Reasons I Hate Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. People either drive really fast or really slow
2. People stop really far away (HELLO...my arms aren't that long)
3. Sometimes the passenger tries to order, and then we can't hear them
4. Sometimes people don't want to roll down their windows all the way so a) we can't hear them well and b) they can't pass us money and we can't pass them food and then they spill drinks and blame it on us
5. Sometimes when we asked people to pull around the corner, they pull RIGHT around the corner...not in the parking lot, and so it blocks our drive thru

1 Reason I Love Working @ the Drive Thru:
1. If anyone pisses me off, I can just close the window


Anonymous said...

I can add a good one to your list!
> when people blow smoke in your face!!! arg!!
oh, and another one...
< when people spit on the wall right as you are trying to hand them your food!!

kt said...

i've always thought, mostly when driving thru, working the drive thru in the winter would not be something I would like to do. People can be so rude.

dan said...

I am also a vetern drive thru worker, although only for a few weeks, but I actually liked it, you can see so many different people!

Nicole said...

i guess maybe it just gets boring after you've done it for 3 years...