

I can't believe it!

The semester is already almost half way finished.

I've got 3 midterms this week...I'm down 1, and I have 2 more to go. I'm trying to study a lot this week, but it hasn't exactly been working that well.

I had GEMS last night, and I worked this morning before school...I also got my liscence and registration and everything done last night, so between everything I haven't exactly been able to study...oops!

Let's just say that I'm fairly sleep deprived and run on a caffine buzz most of the day so that I don't fall alseep in my classes.


dan said...

I hear ya....caffiene really gets me through the day.

Anonymous said...

oh the joys of school... I realize I am addicted to coffee. I NEED one in the morning, otherwise I feel off all day... maybe it's just in my head.