This past Saturday Harmel and I (along with about 50 other members of Trinity CRC) had the opportunity to going skiing for the day in Marmot, Jasper! We boarded the Greyhound at about 5:30 am and after a little vehicular trouble we made it there at about 10:30. It was a pretty good day, but slightly snowy and very windy.
On the trip home my cousin Landon got a little bored. My best friend Amy had a tube of tooth paste with her (who knows why!?) and Landon decided to have a little fun with it...and the sleeping people. Including Harmel. Here's what happened:
Too bad I missed the part where Harmel woke up, noticed everyone looking at him, taking pictures, and snickering, and then proceeded to pull the hood down on his sweater and roll over and go back to sleep...smearing the toothpaste everywhere, and still didn't notice! Unfortunately, we didn't catch everyone on camera. There were a couple good ones!