
Parking Ticket

So 2 weeks ago I went to Harmel's church. In front of his church there is only angle parking, but because the snow banks are so huge, it's impossible to do so without blocking the entire road!

I parallel parked, just like everyone else, thinking that it would be ok, and that I would be nice and not block the road...

I got a $50 parking ticket!

I think the police officer must have been bored because that's a pretty ridiculous ticket...and I'm going to fight it.

1 comment:

dan said...

I am absolutely outraged when parking attendants give out tickets while people are in church. It happens ALL the time at our church. One time my mom went up to the parking attendent and was like "do you feel good about writing up rediculous parking tickets to people who are trying to attend church? Mabye you should take a hint and NOT come around here on sunday...or you should be in church yourself." it was halarious!